Jonathan Parker

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Audio Discussion - "The Power of Intentions"


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Deepen Your Soul Journey

Deepen your soul journey  with this 8-hour audio program of discussions and guided meditations. This program was designed for those who have read Jonathan's book and who wish to deepen the experience, but is suitable for anyone on a spiritual path.

Your soul is the traveler across time and is always leading you ever closer to your true home and the discovery of the light of divine consciousness within you. Your soul is also your key to resolve all your challenges and create and attract everything you could ever need.

Your soul is sometimes referred to as your Higher Self or True Self, and it is your spark of the divine. This deeply spiritual program intensifies the soul's presence and healing light within you, and takes you into deep clearing of core issues that keep you separated from God and your divine nature.

The soul is what we find reflected in the sublime qualities of the sages and saints throughout history, and through this 8-hour program you will discover the truth, beauty, love, and harmony that are only possible through the soul.

This Program Includes 9 Discussions, 8 Guided Meditations and 3 Programs Of Soul Affirmations

Through this  Program You Will Discover:

  • How to Connect with the Soul - Your Doorway to Divinity
  • The Nature of the True Self & False Self
  • How to Clear Layers of Ego Issues
  • Your True Mission in Life
  • How to Be Mindful all the Time
  • How to Activate Transformations with the Soul
  • Self-Discovery is Soul-Discovery and Self-Realization
  • The Experience of Merging with The Soul's Deep Love
  • Higher Realms of Consciousness
  • How to Deepen the Soul's Presence into Everyday

Words cannot express how much you have helped me “pierce many of my illusions.” Your words spoken with obvious love in your heart for all others, have enabled me to rise above some personal obstacles in my relationships. I feel I shall approach the rest of my life with a perspective as seen from my heart. I will never forget this experience.”  Eileen C., Michigan


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This program is delivered in a private, online member's area. You'll be sent login information to access the program.

You can listen to the audio program online or download the files and add them to your favorite portable device. 

What's Being Said About Jonathan's Meditations


Jonathan, during the last session, I felt that I was being lifted up or ascending. I felt very clear and in a state of beautiful peace. I thank and bless you for all the love that you demonstrate to us. This is a beautiful thing.

-- Much Love and Light. Alece M., Florida


"You have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. You have opened the gate to self-discovery and spiritual awareness that can never be taken away. What I have benefited from you is priceless to me. I feel so blessed to be able to reach the spiritual heights I have. Your life's work is very special and I'm sure many have been touched the way I have."

– Lisa S., California


"I have never felt so much love and acceptance as well as a feeling of true knowing. There is something very pure about the way you convey information and approach life. You have clearly reached a level that is very rare in Western civilization today. I have looked long and hard to find a teacher I could really trust and there is no one so far that compares to the amount of love light that is flowing through you."

-- Michael, New York


"Jonathan's love has brought me to much higher levels of love and knowing much sooner than I would have been capable of on my own. The realization and mind expansion is beyond words and all other experiences."

-- Kelso, Arizona


"Phenomenal—an experience beyond words. I cannot place a monetary value on the truths revealed or the release of negativity. The energy surpassed anything I had experienced on an individual level. It was such a relief to let go, and actually feel empowered to demand that all this past negativity leave me. This is quite a change from hoping, wishing, or praying that life will get better."

-- Claudia, Pennsylvania


"Your meditations are works of art--they have taught me more than I could have imagined was possible. Thank you for your tireless energy and creativity over the years in bringing out the very best teaching available, anywhere. You are forever at the head of the list of those to whom I express gratitude and blessings."

-- Allan, Alabama


I Want to Begin My Soul Journey Today!

I invite you to experience these simple meditative techniques so you can attune to your soul, merge with its presence and spontaneously release painful thoughts, memories, and emotions to begin living fully in the present moment.

I know you are ready for this profound journey inward to meet your Soul and I want nothing more than for you to soar to new heights of enlightenment through spiritual surrender.

Soul Solution Journeys is your next step….


$ 97

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This course consists of downloadable MP3 files. Upon purchase you’ll be sent an email with links to access your purchase. This product does not include physical CDs.

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